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Edible Plants for Emergencies

Submitted by Victoria on Sat, 02/25/2023 - 17:23
Event Date

Time:  10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Address:  This is an on-line event

Recent events have highlighted the fragility of our food system, and many people are feeling urgency to take greater responsibility for their food and where it comes from. In light of the pandemic and the associated lockdowns, unemployment, workforce limitations, and rising food costs, we are witnessing an unprecedented interest in food security, local supply chains, health & wellness, and immunity. People want to take action, but where to begin?!

This online workshop focuses on edible plants that are particularly useful in the context of emergencies. We will focus on widely-available wild plants, nutrient-dense “weeds”, and fast-growing annual plants that ensure a quick and abundant harvest.

Based on a 'pay what you can/sliding scale'. Please see the link below to register: